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Member Only Offers

In addition to your everyday member discount, you will be treated to exclusive promotions just for you! These include access to exclusive members only specials and flash sales events with up to 50% discount across the Grace range.

The More You Shop, the More You Save

Each product has an assigned point value. If you shop 15 points or more in any calendar month you will receive a 5% bonus. You can do this through one order to receive this immediate 5% discount, or accumulate these points over multiple orders and get a cashback paid directly into your account. More than 15 points in a calendar month? Good news! You will get this bonus on any following orders.

Dedicated Member Tools

Access to member only tools and reports to help track and give insights to your customers, wholesale buyers and online sales.

Discounts and Retailing

Up to 35% off RRP for all your future purchases. That means you can shop any of your Grace favourites at a discount whenever you want! And, retailing to your customers means you get to keep all the profit on RRP sales. We know what you’re thinking… it sounds too good to be true, but it really is that simple!

You Sell it, We Ship it

Promote your personalised online store to family, friends and your customers and when they shop online, we will pick, pack, ship and provide customer service for their order.

Share the Love Through Your Personalised Online Shop

Your very own personalised online store to share with your family, friends and future customers. We will notify you each time a customer places an online order. Then, at the end of the month you will be paid up to 25% in commissions from qualifying purchases. Woohoo!

At Level One, you start shopping with a huge discount of up to 35% off RRP and earn commission on sales you make. That’s right, for every order you or your customers place from day one.

Looking for even greater discounts? Moving to the next discount level is simple. It’s all about points. The more you shop and share your love of the brand, the more points you collect. Let’s explain.

Each product is allocated a point value. Move Up Points (M/U) are located next to the ADD TO BAG button on all of your favourite Grace products.

To move to Level Two, all you have to do is collect 240 points over a three month timeframe. This is easier than you think. You can collect points three ways:

  • Your personal shopping.
  • Anyone you directly sell products to.
  • Those you refer to your online store who complete a purchase.

So, you made it to Level Two…way to go! Now you get to enjoy a discount of up to 40% off RRP on all your future orders. That’s right, for the life of your membership! You are well and truly a Grace skincare convert by now. No doubt you have family and friends commenting on how good your skin is looking! It may be time to get them started on their own skin transformation journey.

But a move to Level Three will see the discounts just keep getting better. Simply collect 720 points over a three month timeframe. You can do it in less if you want. Continue shopping and sharing the brand and you will be rewarded!

Congratulations on making it to Level Three! That’s a huge discount of up to 43% off RRP. With the combo of your ongoing member discount and member only sales, your earning potential just went to a whole new level. You can keep your skin looking its absolute best for a fraction of the retail price and make money while you are doing it!

Keep those points coming to unlock our highest loyalty discount. To move to Level Four, collect a total of 720 points over a three month time frame.

Wow, you made it to the top! Enjoy a discount of up to 46% off RRP. Retailing products at this level means more profit for you! The best news is, there is no going back, you are now a level Four-er for life!

But wait, it doesn’t stop there. Level Four gives you the opportunity to unlock even further cashback on your personal orders if you shop a total of $1,000 (RRP) in a calendar month. You'll receive this cashback reward paid to you at the close of that month.

Level 4 also gives you the opportunity to qualify for an international leadership summit. Read more below.

Make money and save money not enough?

What about an
international summit?

Be rewarded by qualifying for the trip of a lifetime.

Step 1.

Select one of the welcome packs below or choose your own adventure with a $30 join and any of your Grace favourites.

Step 2.

Create an account and join the Grace family.

Step 3.

Get ready to be rewarded with great skin, great discounts, member only benefits and amazing products that you can retail to family, friends and customers.

Choose Your Joining Option

Choose Your

Joining Option

Grace Membership
  • 12 month membership.
  • Up to 35% discount on RRP for all future orders.
  • First year's membership
To choose a different registration pack, remove the currently selected pack from your cart.

Everyday Pack
  • 12 month membership.
  • Up to 35% discount on RRP for all future orders.
  • Free delivery on your pack.
  • 5 of your everyday essentials.
  • Aloe pH Freshener
  • 95% Aloe Hydrating Gel
  • Aloe Eye Cream
  • Infiniti-C Moisturiser
  • First year's membership
To choose a different registration pack, remove the currently selected pack from your cart.

Best Sellers Pack
  • 12 month membership.
  • Up to 35% discount on RRP for all future orders.
  • Free delivery on your pack.
  • 15 of our best-sellers for every skin concern.
  • Aloe Foaming Cleanser
  • Aloe pH Freshener
  • 95% Aloe Hydrating Gel
  • Infiniti-C Moisturiser
  • Infiniti Facial Scrub
  • Firming Face Lift Powder
  • Aloe Face Lift Activator
  • Vital Skin Oils
  • Face Lift Brush
  • Aloe Hand & Body Lotion (200mL)
  • Pure Aloe Gel with Manuka Honey
  • 2x Trial Pack
  • Auto Eyeliner Pencil (Black)
  • Spatula
  • First year's membership
To choose a different registration pack, remove the currently selected pack from your cart.

Premium Pack
  • 12 month membership.
  • Up to 35% discount on RRP for all future orders.
  • 15 of our best-sellers for every skin concern.
  • Aloe Foaming Cleanser
  • Aloe pH Freshener
  • 95% Aloe Hydrating Gel
  • Infiniti-C Moisturiser
  • Infiniti Facial Scrub
  • Firming Face Lift Powder
  • Aloe Face Lift Activator
  • Vital Skin Oils
  • Face Lift Brush
  • Aloe Hand & Body Lotion (200mL)
  • Pure Aloe Gel with Manuka Honey
  • Platinum Wrinkle Solution with Marine Collagen
  • Platinum Anti-Wrinkle Moisturiser
  • Firming Rejuvenation Mask
  • Platinum Reverse Wrinkle Serum
  • Infiniti Beauty Fluids
  • Spatula
  • Infiniti Tinted Nourishing Cream
  • 5x Trial Pack
  • Auto Eyeliner Pencil (Black)
  • First year's membership
To choose a different registration pack, remove the currently selected pack from your cart.

We know it might seem it, but here at Grace we really do just want to help you look and feel your best. You don't need to do anything other than join the loyalty program to access this discount of up to 35% on all future orders.

You will be able to purchase your Grace favourites at your discount straight away.

Username is always your email. You can reset your password at any time by clicking the ‘Forgot Password’ link on the login page. Access the login page here

You will get 12 months access to membership benefits when you join. This is renewable every 12 months, but don't worry if you forget, you won't go backwards, we will be intouch.

It all happens automatically. All you have to do is shop and we take care of the rest. For more info click here.

Yes you can. We would love to chat with you further. Contact us at and we will be in touch.

Yes there absolutely are. Explore T&C’s here.


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Your Rewards